Write or call our leaders in Albany to continue and renew focus on the health of Owasco Lake. Below is a great guide courtesy of our friends at Save Owasco Now! (SON).


1.) Between now and November 1, 2018, write a advocacy letter to Governor Cuomo. Ask your friends and families to write letters, postcards, e-mails and/make phone calls to Governor Cuomo.

2.) Make your letter demonstrate your personal concern for Owasco Lake and the drinking water it provides. Keep it respectful yet assertive. Be sure you ask Governor Cuomo to protect Owasco Lake and our drinking water from cyanotoxins by:

a.) Placing Owasco Lake back onto the priority 303(d)List

b.) Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for the sub-watersheds of Owasco Lake

c.) Developing, adopting, and implementing a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Owasco Lake with a clean-up plan within a two-years

You may contact the Governor by any of these means:

PHONE – (518) 474-8390

WEB – https://www.governor.ny.gov/content/governor-contact-form

MAIL –   The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor of New York State
NYS State Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224

Carbon copy your communications to the following via web form and e-mail:

Save Owasco Now!

Senator John DeFrancisco
EMAIL: idefranc@nysenate.gov

Assemblyman Gary Finch
WEB: http://nyassembly.qov/mem/Gary-D-Finch/contact

Assemblyman Bob Oaks
WEB: http://nyassembly.gov/mem/Bob-Oaks/contact

Senator James Seward
EMAIL: seward@nysenate.gov

Senator Pamela Helming
EMAIL: Helming@nysenate.gov