Business Membership
Start making a difference today for tomorrow!
Join OWLA to help protect Owasco Lake!
The Owasco Watershed Lake Association (OWLA) exists to protect Owasco Lake and its 208 square miles of watershed (the land area whose rivers, streams, and run off ultimately drain into the lake). We are a citizen-based, 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation founded in 1988.
• OWLA works best with more members to raise our voice loud and clear.
• Owasco Lake, as an economic engine of our region, needs ALL of our support!
• Become part of the solution with an “annual” OWLA membership. You will be doing your part to protect the vitality of the region – water is vital to our economic success!
• Clean drinking water helps keep employees and their families healthy. And employees who feel secure in their environment are more likely to remain long-term.
• Water plays a major role in many manufacturing operations and service industries.
• By doing your part as an environmentally aware business with sustainable practices, you can leverage your good citizenship in public relations and marketing communications.
At the end of the day, protecting our fresh water and watershed is just the right thing to do!
How does water impact YOUR business?

Your Membership will be used to support our continued efforts to protect and improve the quality of our lake and watershed:
- Volunteer Programs
- Fund Watershed Improvement Initiatives
- Fund In-lake HAB Mitigation Technology Research
- Purchase Land for Wetland Restoration
- Education and Outreach
- And More…
Please click the button below to become a member. You may choose from these business membership levels:
Bronze-$50; Silver-$100; Gold-$250; Platinum-$500
Diamond-$1000 and above
What can you do to HELP?
Protecting Owasco Lake is essential to our community character and the improvement of our economic future. We encourage everyone to help the Owasco Watershed Lake Association personally and/or financially. By this commitment you will help keep Owasco Lake clean and safe.