Ditch Remediation
Run Off Into The Lake
Sediment Reduction efforts focus on minimizing sediments entering the lake, regardless of the source.
The Ditch Remediation Program started in 2019 that is still underway. Scientists have told us that sediments carry with them nutrients that support the outbreaks of Harmful Algal Blooms; HAB’s. The goal is to again work very closely with the Cayuga County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD), and the NYS DEC to identify remediation sites throughout the watershed.
This effort will again include stream and tributary sampling, the Citizen Science Lake Assessment Program and HAB’s shoreline monitoring. OWLA will work collaboratively with Hobart & William Smith Colleges, The DEC Hub, Upstate Freshwater Institute, Cayuga County agencies, local academic institutions and advocacy groups on this initiative. OWLA will require numerous volunteers to support these efforts.

Runoff from rain events carries manure and chemical fertilizers into the watershed system.

Sediment and nutrients entering Owasco Lake from the upstream land uses drained by an intermittent tributary.

A severely eroded stream bank
There is much work yet to be done!
Making a donation today helps the watershed
now and tomorrow!
What can you do to HELP?
Protecting Owasco Lake is essential to the maintenance of our community character and the improvement of our economic future. We encourage everyone to help the Owasco Watershed Lake Association personally and/or financially. By this commitment you will help keep Owasco Lake clean and safe.