Thank you

Welcome to OWLA! Your membership is vital to us being able to continue this shared mission.

In addition to membership contributions, OWLA depends on the contributions of many volunteers, citizen scientists, and researchers. It is a unique opportunity to apply one’s skills to the benefit of our most precious lake.

Watershed Protection Fund

Donating to the Watershed Protection Fund helps with: – Water Quality Sampling and Analysis – Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring Initiative – Community Science Lake Assessment Program (CSLAP) Support – Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Projects – In Lake and Tributary Buoys and Sensors Deployment – Endangered/ Invasive Species Research – In-Tributary Invertebrate Studies

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General Fund

Making a donation to the General Fund helps with: – General Expenses – Outreach and Communications – Special Programs and Events

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Memorialize or Honor Friends and Family by establishing an Honorarium

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Robert N. Brower Memorial Honorarium

We are deeply saddened by the loss of our friend and advocate for the lake and the environment, Bob Brower.

Please consider contributing to the fund to honor Bob’s memory.

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What can you do to HELP?

Protecting Owasco Lake is essential to the maintenance of our community character and the improvement of our economic future. We encourage everyone to help the Owasco Watershed Lake Association personally and/or financially. By this commitment you will help keep Owasco Lake clean and safe.